Saturday, May 26, 2007

Thursday night met up with K, marty's cousin and neilson who are here on a holiday. I'm so inspired to move to London now.

We met K's friends Rashmi and some other guys who are from Perth and it appears that earning £500 a day is the norm here. OH~MI~GAWD!!

These guys have been working for a month and travelling for 3. No real responsibilities. That's what I call living it up. Now to convince Marty to come here asap.

In other new, Marty bought us tickets to avenue Q last night. It was the best musical we have seen so far! Check out samples of the music :)

The cast included muppet characters and real people. Who would have imagined that muppets and people on stage together would work but it did! The first few minutes were a little weird as I was unsure if I should focus on the muppets or the puppeteers. But after a while, you just get the hang of it and pretty soon, it felt like the most natural thing to have a muppet with and human/actor body. Seeing is believing anyway.

I arrived a couple of minutes late and was furious at the bitch at work who made me late but after a few minutes into the show, I had laughed my troubles away. My the interlude my foul mood had dissipated!

With funny songs like 'Everyone's a little bit racist', 'The internet is for porn' and 'If you were gay', it was hard to stay upset. Definitely a must see!

After the theatre, we had dinner with Rich and Anna at a french restaurant recommended by Anna. It had excellent food and we were seated in the basement of the restaurant which felt like a cellar. It was very cramped but cosy and all the waiters were french.

We had so much food - fresh baguette with pats of butter, pate, spicy calamari for starters, fish stew for the girls, steak for richard, coquelet for marty and for desert, we had les fromage (3 cheese platter with baguette, creme brulee and un pot chocolat which literally was a cup of chocolate with two cookies. What decadence!

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