Friday, May 11, 2007

I didn't realise it but I lost quite a bit of weight during the intensive exam study period. It wasn't until the day of the exam when I noticed my ribs sticking out. Not very attractive =P

The strange thing was I was having quite a number of meals a day. I'd feel hungry every 2.5 hours or so and could end up having ham and cheese sandwiches up to 5 times a day and instant noodles other times.

Anyway, now that Marty's here, meals have been more wholesome. I realise that when I'm just living myself, I'm not that fussed about food and am pretty contented rummaging for whatever food I can find in my sparse pantry. It just feels really pointless to be cooking up a banquet when there's just only going to be me enjoying it.

I guess that's why I have fallen sick AGAIN.

Seems that lately I'm always in a state of illness. Not fun at all. Migraines, cramps and the latest, FEVER. Migraines are pretty common for me but fever??!! The last time I had a fever was when I had chicken pox 2 years back.

The worse thing about being sick with Marty here is that everyone at work thinks I'm skivving BUT I'M NOT. I wish i was! At least I'd feel well enough to go out and have some fun. And now I even feel guilty for being sick and not turning up at work. NO FAIR!

I'm lousy at being sick. I think if ever I had a bad illness, one where there would be a lot of pain and discomfort, I'd much rather die. I have no fighting spirit whatsoever. In fact, just the last couple of days with the fever and all, the idea of dying did feel appealing at some points. Especially when I had little spasms going through my body cos I was sooo cold. brrr...

So glad Marty was here to take care of me. Otherwise I'd probably feel even more sorry for myself. Anyway, fingers crossed that tomorrow will be a better day. I wanna go to Borough markets for lunch!

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