Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's been a hectic few days!

Over the weekend, Marty and I went to a pub to catch the boring FA cup finals. After which, we went to Richard's place in Ealing. It was impressive how Richard did up the place. Looked like a home I'd expect to see in a decor magazine. We went out for an Indian dinner in the area and ended up staying over because it was too cold to go back home and plus it was late. Didn't really feel like risking it seeing as how crime in London is quite high.

Sunday met up with some uni friends / pwc ex-colleagues for dim sum. After which, went to the 2nd hand book market near home to buy 2 new novels, one of which The Incredible Lightness of Being, I'm quite excited about.

Ever since the tax exam, I've had an incredible urge to exercise my brain, maybe because I have gotten use to working it quite hard. I have been voraciously reading anything I can lay my hands on from the various daily free newspapers, to online newspapers, to novels and even to advertisements (which I usually block out) but I still feel restless. Books I have gotten through in the last couple of weeks were Norwegian Wood by Murakami and A piece of cake by cupcake brown. Unfortunately, neither were very fulfilling. I've decided I've had enough of Murakami and also drug addicts.

Nothing seems to pique my interests. I'm searching for a though provoking book. An unusual book. A book that invoked emotions like how Life of Pi or the Windup Bird Chronicle did but such books tend to be few and far between. Fingers crossed for the 2 I've bought.

Marty and I have watched 2 musicals in the last 2 days and he's looking to watch another musical matinee on Friday... It's quite exhausting. I'm BEAT! There was a lot of hype over Les Mis and it came heavily recommended from a few friends here but I must say I was not impressed. The music was unhappy almost all the time. I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised given the title but still it was depressing. Also, there were too many subplots and too many characters so it was hard to develop affection for any single one.

FAME i felt was way more entertaining with great dancing and occasional great vocals. Most importantly, it left me with a warm fuzzy feeling. Envying the performers their jobs which pay them to dance, sing, and act happy. Sounds like my dream job! We walked back after the musical, with a tune in our heads and a bounce in our steps. Even though the singing wasn't as good as Les Mis, the fact that we felt happy after the muscial was a sure sign the show was a success.

It's the Champions League match tomorrow night. We will probably be heading out to watch it at some pub. And then there's the potential dinner with Marty's friend on Thursday. UGH!!


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