Thursday, April 19, 2007

Oh no!

I have quite decided that I hate my job. This trip to the UK was supposed to rejuvenate my motivation at work. A change is supposed to be as good as a holiday but why do I still drag my feet each day?

I have decided that audit can no longer teach me anything that I am keen to learn. Well at least the audit of insurance companies, funds and pension schemes. Enough!

But I can't leave this profession. Not before I get my certification and that isn't going to be for another year. So if there's nothing I can do about it then it makes no sense moping around thinking woe is me but that is obviously easier said than done. And then after that what? I'd like to do contract work and earn heaps of money with little responsibility.

I'm so tired of stress from work. I feel like a clown or a jester. Juggling, doing cartwheels and breaking my back whilst everyone just sits back and criticises. Well not everyone but I think the criticisms stick more than a praise.

I think contract work would be the ideal. To be rolling in dough without the effort, to be able to live a care-free life and having time to smell the roses.

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