Monday, June 12, 2006

It's been an exciting weekend.

But let's start with the bad.

During the week, I received a call from Suli. Much to my enormous surprise. When I asked him what was up, his flippant reply was that he had nothing better to do. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He asked me how I was and equally flippantly, I told him I was still alive.

He suggested meeting up for dinner on friday and deciding to let bygones be, I agreed.

Come Friday, we decided to meet at 7:30pm at Glebe. Not wanting to be late (silly me), I hurried Mart out of the house at a quarter to seven. I was cursing under my breath when I remembered Suli was ALWAYS late. But it was too late. We were already at Glebe.

I gave Suli a call at the restaurant

m: We're here

S: oh you're here!

M: we did agree to meet at 7:30 and it is 7:25 now

S: Oh we're still home and we haven't picked Jane up.

By this time, I can't keep the annoyance out of my voice.

m: This is annoying

S: I was going to tell you we would be late.

Uh huh... like when? 8pm? next year? the next millenium?

I hung up on him shortly fuming and disgusted with the lack of respect this so-called friend had for me. The most abominable thing is he does this all the time but each time, he waves off all his wrong-doing nonchalantly without any sense of remorse for wasting other people's time.

Maybe I'm not laid back enough but I do not see why I should be always waiting around for someone.

And to add insult to injury (but then again, I wouldn't put it part Suli to be such a user), I find out over dinner that his "pals" are busy this week what with house moving and all. I light bulb goes off in my head and I realise the unexpected call and suggestion to meet up was simply because his usual kakis weren't free.

How nice.

Moving on to nicer things, I'm in Melbourne!!!

Absolutely freezing here.

Came on Saturday night and had dinner with Jean and Paul and Spicy Fish. I was falling asleep during dinner from the lack of sleep the nightbefore.

The next morning, we drove 300km up North to Benella, where Andrew's mother lived. it was a quiet town with a pretty decent sized town centre. We made a trip to the Brown Brothers winery, Milawa cheese factory, explored the gold mining town of Becchworth, had hot pies at the bakery there, drove through a scenic route and bought lots of bric-a-bracs. It was great.

Came back last night in time to watch the Australia - Japan match.

the boyfriend went insane with the world cup. Spending 2.5k on a new LCD tv and is now having world cup gatherings every important match. We have been wagering on a match a day and I was 30 dollars ahead before last night, having won 3 bets in a row. muahaha...

i think the boyfriend was beginning to feel ego-bruised expressing his wishes to win his money back but we all know it wasn't about the money. afterall, he is or thinks he is the football guru. Must have been unsettling losing to me like that. Anyway, with the australia match, obviously he took australia. He is patriotic like that. Thankfully Australia won and the boyfriend is happy now, having had his beloved Socceroos winning and breaking his losing streak. So now, I can go back to winning.

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