Friday, June 02, 2006

It's absofreakinglutely freezing in Sydney.

Either winter has come early this year or if this is what Autumn is like, I dread the thought of winter.

Marty and I decided to go away for the weekend. Down to santuary point again. Where we can have some "ALONE" time. Yay.

The previous trip in warmer weather was absolutely delightful but this time around, I have my doubts. The weather has been forecasted to rain for the next couple of days and rain in temperatures lower than 10 degrees celcius is not something to be trifled with. You definitely want to be indoors and all rugged up.

It's times like these that I wonder how my people like Francis, Woanwei, William and the bunch in London survive.

It's a race to get home everyday after work. The wait at the bus stop feels like an eternity and whenever the cold wind blows, and boy does it blow mercilessly, I imagine myself not all too different from a fluttering dried leaf stuck to a twig. I also wish I had a roaring fire place.

Sometimes it even gets too cold to breathe and I find myself unconsciously holding my breath.

Anyway, fun weekend up ahead i Hope.

Will be back on Sunday night for dinner. Perhaps at a German restaurant that I've been meaning to go to. Need to introduce Peter and Nina (german colleague) before they both fly back home next week for the upcoming world cup.

I surprised Marty yesterday by telling him I knew what the score was for the Japan vs Germany match. 2-2 it was. That's what you find out when you get stuck at the reception with the newspaper on hand and honestly, I'd rather read about the world cup than Australian news.

He was flabbergasted and I think slightly proud. Maybe even loved me a teensy weensy little bit more than before. Who knows!

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