Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I'm so fickle minded I astonish even myself.

Just the other day, I felt I needed a change. The reality of what I really am hit me square in the jaw and it's unbelievable that it took me so long to realise that I AM AN AUDITOR.

Oh the horrors!!

How could I have allowed myself to spend the better years of my life cross referencing audit workpapers and checking the adds on financials statements, or even worse, how could I allow myself to become a punching bag for disgruntled clients.

But that was the other day.

Today feels different because I've almost completed a big job and the bosses appear happy so obviously it's a great relief to me and I feel like I can finally focus my energies on making my new place a home.

Also, on the way home the other day, Nab and especially Amy, who are both on my team, thanked me for helping them out during the last couple of weeks. It feels good knowing that I have become a good lead. The kind of person I wished lead me when I was wet behind the ears.

Not that these short-lived feelings of gratification would make huge impacts on my life decisions(Apathy still rules in that department. One can never fight apathy. It just is) but it has at least shelved the ennui temporarily and allows me to justify one more day of existence as a scummy auditor.

Even the word auditor makes my skin crawl. Shudder

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