Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Had my first proper game of soccer today and it rocked!

I finally understand why guys get so obsessed.

Marty rounded up a group of us and signed us up for mixed soccer. He bossed me into buying a pair of soccer boots which i grudgingly did so for 10 bucks (there was a sale on at rebel sport. yay sale!)

Mark from work (who used to play pro and now coaches a girl soccer team) looked disapproving when I proudly displayed my ten buck boots.

Him: "For ten bucks they're gonna hurt."

Me: "But they're Reebok!!!

Marty (much later on): Are you sure they aren't Weeboks?

And even though they are made in China, they fit fine and felt really comfy. Marty was right. Having the right gear makes the game so much more enjoyable.

Unfortunately, for all my new gear (shin guards and nice addidas socks included), we conceded 2 own goals and scored zilch.

The upside was Marty said I made a really good defender and I didn't have to pay a joining fee. That's what you get for dating the Coach! Yay boyfriend!

Hopefully we can start getting some goals in next week

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