Friday, January 19, 2007

Finally moved some furniture into the new place last night and we couldn't have done it if ceez and especially luke did not offer to come by and help. It didn't seem that daunting, given the few possessions that I had, and Marty and I did afterall manage quite well when I was moving out. However, the dining table I purchased on ebay for a hundred bucks, that looked deceptively flimsy in the picture turned out to be a solid chunk of timber. That and the fact that the hall way only extended less than 28 inches across made the move almost impossible. There was no way the table which was more than 30 inches tall could fit in. In the end, we had to dismantle the table and put it together again. Now why didn't we think of that in the first place?

The place seems really awesome and my fingers are crossed. I've decided I'm not posting any pictures until Eugene gets here. It'll be a surprise. Everyone who has seen it has said good things so far and when I say good things, I do not mean the run of the mill, politically correct, lukewarm sort of "compliments" like - yeah it's nice. I mean comments like "Omigod!", "I hate you (for having such a nice place)" is my particular favourite and "this is so cool".

Now, to find an equally cool housemate. *FINGERS CROSSED*

Anyway, the gang last night have decided that the 6 dollar sofa is definitely too horrible to stay in the house and I'm a girl on a mission now. I've scoured the ebay and tradingpost website in the last 12 hours and nothing has come up. Undaunted, I'll be going to Ikea. Not the greatest place in the world but desperation calls for desperate measures.

Hopefully the place will be livable by the end of next week.

We need a party of sorts for the upcoming Australia Day!!

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