Friday, July 14, 2006

ok... a quick snap shot of what's been going on.

max arrived for his secondment, yihan came for his dentistry course, karen came for hillsong.

Karen went back to singapore, yihan will be leaving tomorrow and max will be here for another 2 years.

France lost the world cup which made me sad because the dirty Italians won and felt sorry for Zidane. But then, the Italians are really good too, so.

Woke up at 4am last friday and decided that I want to leave Sydney next year.

Destination -> Potentially, the city that doesn't sleep, the Big Apple.

Got so excited I couldn't go back to sleep.

Worked really late this week but had lots of fun with the colleagues.

Have a big weekend lined up.

Dinner in a bit with Yihan before he leaves, yum cha tomorrow morning, watching a play tomorrow evening, straightening up my apartment on sunday, sunday coffee and croissants at sappho books with Mart's cousins, Ian's bday drinks at Monkey bar sunday evening.

No Me time =(

Really excited to be going back home in 2 weeks as well.

oh and the new pay looks good on the bank statement.

I could admire it the whole afternoon

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