Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The boyfriend has gone off for a lan gaming session with his friends tonight. His invitation was tempting but for some reason, my body has been feeling battered and bruised, plus the miserable weather outside called for a stay in tonight.

The stay in was good, allowing me some ME time but the freezing cold does make me wish I had a warm body to snuggle up to.

I'm really excited about going home and it feels like I have a hundred and one things to do in the 4 days and 3 nights that I'll be there. My flight arrives at about 10pm and after grabbing my luggage, it's already been decided that I'm heading off to wala's to rendevous with Eugene. Jolene has also agreed to take Fri off if she has nothing important on.

It feels like there's so many people to meet up with but so little time and I've decided that meeting times shall be allocated according to meal times and coffee times. Meal times will include breakfast for people who are willing to get up early to meet up with me. No choice there. Limited time available. I can already forsee an intense 3 days of late late nights/ early mornings, lots of tehs and lots of local food - hopefully this would include vegetarian noodles, boon lay nasi lemak, chilli crab, fish slice noodles, yong tau foo, roti prata and ban mian.

yay... Singapore here I come.

On another note, it's the boyfriend's bday this Saturday. =)

1 comment:

Jolene said...

Hey hey! I got my leave on Friday! Heh.. Can't wait for you to get back!