Friday, May 12, 2006

Finally managed to tear myself away from the boyfriend after 2 weeks of seeing him close to 24/7 and had dinner with beat at Cya, a decent korean restaurant in a small alley way in the heart of the city.

As we were paying for our dinner, we spot Marissa and Kel near the entrance of the restaurant waiting to be seated. Beat wonders whether we can make our getaway without them noticing. Now, Cya is a tiny restaurant of less than 20 tables and only one entrance so there was absolutely no chance of getting out without walking past them. We are momentarily delighted when Kel walks into the gents and decide to say a quick hi to Marissa and then disappear before kel reappears.

Unforunately, our quick hi just wasn't quick enough and kel came out of the loo before we made our escape. Brief pleasantries were exchanged and Kel asked after my health which was a tad unsettling perhaps because of my own guilt. To avoid the awkward silence that eventually decends on unwilling conversational parties, i remind beatrice that she has to rush home for her movie. I sensed the relief in kel, beat and myself. heh

The crisp cold air greets us as we spill out onto the busy street giggling. Beat remarks that kel should consider himself a lucky man, to be caught in such a situation. Caught in an awkward situation with 3 gorgeous girl he's gone to bed with. That tickles me and I laugh heartily in agreement.

We wonder if Kel has ever thought the same and that thought tickles us more and we continue laughing as we hurry along the streets on our way home.

I realise it's been a long time since I've had a good laugh with a friend. Which is kinda sad. These days, perhaps it's the lack of like-minded individuals, perhaps i'm just getting withdrawn. Who knows? Laughing just isn't as fulfilling as before. Usually it's more of a "that's amusing" sorta smile. Ah... i know... it's the lack of evil laughter. The kind of evil laughter you get from bitch fests.

Shucks. Not much I can do about that I guess.


Finally finished American Gods - Neil Gaiman. The unabridged version.

It was disappointing. I've always thought NG to be a really good storyteller. Captivating in a dark and sometimes satirical way and American Gods was intruiging at first. However, half way through the book, perhaps because I lost the reading momentum and was picking it up and putting it down sporadically, but I think mostly because he tried to do too much in this one story, the book just got too confusing.

There were so many new characters being thrown in constantly and so many subplots (some of which were insignificant to the main story) that I couldn't help but tire of trying to dig into my memory of who said what and who was called what. Bear in mind, this book was more than 600 pages so trying to recall the what(s) the who(s) said in the beginning of the book is no mean feat.

And what's up with the missing children and hinzeleman anyway.

Now I know why the version that won all the awards (abridged) was much shorter.

anyway, it's friday night and Mart is now getting inebriated at the Monkey bar with his mates, No doubt talking about the latest innovations (hydrogen powered cars?), politics, and other "did you knows".

I could have gone but the idea of drinking lemon lime bitters or diet coke whilst being a "trophy" girlfriend was less attractive than being snug in the comfort of home with a book, some milo and chips.

After I'd finished American Gods, the only other easy read on hand was "confessions of a shopaholic", which might I add, Mart enjoyed reading out loud to me in the car whilst i drove around today. He claims that it's only enjoyable because he's reading it out loud to me and he wouldn't enjoy it otherwise but then again, the unwritten rules of masculinity forbids him from admitting the latter so I have my doubts. I mean, I ask the guy to read out a paragraph or two just for kicks and he proceeds to read out at least 3-4 pages.


Anyway, afraid that this chic fic would annoy me so much I would be near bald from tearing my hair out at its bimboticism, I head off to the library and arm myself with:-

1. Tom Holt - Snow white and the seven samurai. (i reckoned that I miss reading him)
2. Neil Gaiman - Anansi boys (What the heck, figured I'd give him a second chance)
3. Walter Moers - Rumo and his miraculous adventures (this book has illustrations of animals. I've decided to live dangerously)
4. And one more sappy book about love. and no, not a romance novel per se. I don't do danielle steele thank you very much. Some story about a man's love for his dying wife blah blah blah...

So it's gonna be a night of reading for me.

I guess Mart's right afterall. I think I am a geek.

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