Lately I've been thinking about home quite a bit.
It's been ages since I've gone back proper. The last time was a 4 day 3 nighter in August to celebrate Dad's 60th. And the thing that I tell everyone is that, not going back home for a holiday is actually a good thing because it makes life here a whole lot more permanent.
The less I travel home, the more attached I am to the life here.
At least that's what I feel.
So it's really strange that having not been back home (well barring a pathetic weekend trip), I've suddenly been thinking about home alot.
And random images of Singapore flash through my mind at the oddest of times.
Like just now, I was lying in bed getting ready for sleep and suddenly, in my mind's eye I could see the shelves and shelves of books at borders and remember how it felt to be standing there, usually just browsing to past time before meeting someone else in that area. This image quickly turned into an image of the book cafe in mohd sultan, then little india with it's busy roads and bright colours and then Derrick's place. The last one isn't surprising. Some pretty awesome nights were spent there I must say. Makes me feel so nostalgic, these places feel like they are just minutes away.
Memories are funny things.
Was also chatting with Zhiying today. So much have changed in our lives and we have been half way across the world from each other for maybe 3-4 years now it's hard to keep up. Some people say that good friends will always remain good friends but if people can't even maintain long distance relationships in love, why should friendship be any different?
The worst thing about long distance friendships is that the deterioration is usually too subtle to even realise it has happened until of course the irreversal is done. I'm going to bring up an old cliche to illustrate this point. The only constant is change. People change. Some more so than others of course. Priorities change, sense of humour changes, interests change.
I feel I have changed. Quite dramatically. It's hard to say for the better or worse.
But honestly, at this stage, it's too late to get my knickers into a knot trying to figure out if this change is good or bad for me or whether my life will get better or worse because of it. It feels ok at present but my life does have a tendency to throw me a curve ball whenever I feel a sense of stability.
I guess I must be a pessimist because I always envision these curve balls, no matter how positive they always seem initially, end up with me, a spinster, old and miserable in a studio apartment all alone, withering away.
And London is potentially one of those curved balls.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
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1 comment:
babes... im still here. i just have to get my act together and put in more effort.. sorry =[ bad friend i am..
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