Tuesday, March 06, 2007

another tough day at work for me again.

I've begun to suspect that I may just be really inept at what I do. Why else do I always find myself at the losing end of a tug of war battle, always getting shit from everyone else. Managers, staff, clients...

Today Gillian gave me shit about not getting enough staff on the job and not behaving like a senior and not getting the actuaries to review the actuarial notes. It's not like I haven't been trying to get people on the job. I've been sending emails, calling, sending messages. Wasting half my day coordinating junk like that which I could have put into more productive purposes otherwise. And, she forgot she told me she would sort out the actuarial notes. Sigh

Deadline's tomorrow.

I'm so over all this crap

The sight of financial statements make my skin crawl.

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