Friday, February 09, 2007

It's been a while since the last update.

Lots of things have been happening.

First, fell kind of sick and without realising, lost enough weight for everyone to start making comments about it which is good in a way because which girl doesn't want to be thinner? even tracy goes on diets!

Eugene has managed to get his room set up. More set up than mine anyway. He's going to be officially moving all his stuff in tomorrow morning.

It's been really hectic getting the house set up and finding a housemate. Really wish things could settle down into a bit more of a routine. Unfortunately, the housemate we decided on flew our kite with the excuse that he felt pressured to say yes to us. Bummer cos now we have to go through the whole hoohah again.

work has been kinda up and down.

Up because everyone at work has been really nice and encouraging but down because I feel miserable at work. Really unmotivated.

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