Thursday, June 07, 2007

Sydney rant part I

I've been trying to post a blog entry for the last couple of weeks but they always end up as half written entries saved up in my virtual blackhole of an internet diary, unfinished and hence unpublished.

Will be heading off to paris tomorrow night on a coach. I love road trips because there's a certain excitement to it. You just don't get the same buzz from taking a plane.

Felt quite sad yesterday because over lunch, a comment made by a new partner from Sydney went like this... 'Oh, their command of English must be quite poor and that's why they lack the confidence to speak up'.

This was made in reference to a meeting in which pakistani managers had hardly voiced their opinions. (Might I add that there were English present at the meeting as well but this remark was not directed at them!)

Anyway, another Aussie replied, 'well in that case they shouldn't even have been promoted!'

That was a real slap in the face. The English, like the Asians, tend to be more reserved but when the English are quiet, they call it aloof. When it's an Asian, it's bad English. Fucking ignoramuses.

It seems to me that the impression of Australians here is that they are loud, bawdy and brash.

It's ironic because I think a lot of senior PwC people in Sydney think that Asian people tend to be tactless and have poor PR skills.

It is also ironic that there exists a strong sense of camaraderie within the Sydney firm so much so that sometimes it feels as if criticising anything no matter how insignificant would be tantamount to blasphamy. Not really what you'd expect from loud, bawdy and brash people.

It suddenly occured to me, that the reason for this contradiction was simply narrow-mindedness.

An 'if you're not like us you're crap' mentality.

So there I was sitting down for a 2 hour lunch surrounded by these moaning and groaning aussies lamenting on how horrible london could be. *yawn*

I couldn't help but smile when an aussie moaned about how inefficient the English are at sorting out administrative matters. Coming from Singapore, I found Sydney a bureaucratic nightmare. I think it helped living in Sydney before coming to London. My bank here has screwed me over a few times but somehow, that does bother me. Afterall, I had my fair share of banking nightmares in Sydney. These Aussies have probably used the same bank account since they were 12 and it's been too long since they've tried setting up a new one in Sydney.

1 comment:

Beauty Box said...

ditto on road trip babe!

re sydney peeps....hmmm they are quite a different kettle of fish, eh?

there is one aussie gal i know who is very abrasive but she thinks it's funny but in the company of straight-laced Japanese, they don't understand her jibes and take it personally.

but i understand the thing about too much frankness! i can't take it, too. sympathies...