Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My exam is over.

Even though I only started studying on Friday and probably chalked up all of 2 days worth of study, it felt like forever especially because marty was out the whole weekend having fun, what with luke and Matt both buying the latest Wii, everyone seems to be having house parties with booze and video games these days.

After the exam, had lunch at Burwood with Max and friends, after which, decided to give myself a much deserved reward and went shopping at Burwood and even though I promised I wouldn't buy any more cardigans, I went out and bought 3 more, a dress and 2 singlets. But, in defense, I'd like to say that the exhilaration from splurging made every single cent spent absolutely worthwhile.

Who needs shrinks when they can have retail therapy.

Went to watch Russell Peter live today at the Enmore. If a stand-up comedian can keep you laughing for more than an hour with his incessant banter, he's gotta be good.

Looks like its going to be a busy week for me. I've got house hunting to do, moving furniture, going for marty's xmas parties, hanging out with Jolene, sewing my dress (if I have the time) etc etc etc...

And next week, I think I should plan a trip up to Tarringal.

Apparently there's a dress shop there. Its name? Mine Mine Mine.

Illeanna says the dresses there are to die for =)

Road trip is just an excuse for more shopping!!

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