Saturday, November 18, 2006

Someone asked me the other day if it was possible to like 2 people.

"Yes." I replied. "But it isn't possible to love 2 people."

And I say this because my definition of like is a mere fondness for someone whereas my definition of Love is the feeling that you can only have that single person in your heart.

Love is outmoded these days, quite like chivalry.

Or maybe it has always been like this but no one really told us the truth until we grew up and found out for ourselves.

Ten years ago, I believed in happily ever after but now, I'd be happy if I get past the one year mark which incidentally is only 2 months away.

So between one guy and another, how does one choose?

The familiar but worn and outdated pair or the jazzy new one?

I guess it depends on the intended travel distance. If its long distance you wish to go, then the old ones seem a better choice because the jazzy new shoes might give blisters. If its just a night of partying you're after, definitely go for the jazzy new ones.

Or if you don't know how far you want to go, maybe wear one side of each pairs around for a while. Either one will come in handy at some point. although, wearing both at the same time may be tricky affair. Much like walking on a tightrope i imagine. A balancing act

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