Sunday, October 29, 2006

Marty has been hinting at my lack of interests in anything lately.

I suppose that is true to a large extent.

Somewhere between April and now, I lost my interest in hobbies that I used to enjoy. Guitar playing, shower singing or singing any where at all for that matter, cooking or whatever else Mindy likes.

God knows where the inspiration to do these things went or why they went, but disappear they did. Leaving an almost empty, introverted shell of a person. Contented to do nothing, neither happy nor sad. Which to some, may be an improvement from mopping. Who's to say.

I can understand why Marty would have a problem with this. At the moment, I have as much personality as a toothpick. I've probably turned into one of those wallflower girlfriend sorts. The types that just stand beside and slightly behind their boyfriends at functions, smiling as if it pained them, making everyone who tries to start up a conversation embarrassed with the lack of response.

I exaggerate.

Anyway, I've decided to go for swing lessons this coming Thursday.

Wish me luck

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